You tell the child that even though she has done bad things, and bad things have happened to her, there is someone who loves her. And that if she asks the Maker to forgive her, he is waiting on the edge of his throne to stand up and declare her free of her debts. When she asks how her debts of sin were paid, you tell her that the Maker’s son, Athere, died in her place on a cross and paid them. She starts to cry. You hold her like the father she never had, and tell her to thank Athere, but also that she can be glad for Athere rose from the dead three days later and defeated death, once and for all. She asks if that is why some people get to go to the Crystal City and live eternity there, instead of living it in the cave of death under the brunt tree in the Elysian Fields. You tell her she is exactly right. You then tell her that if she wants it, you and your wife will adopt her and give her a loving home. She smiles so big looking up at you. You realize in this moment that because you prevented the magic ritual from according the sorcerer must have lost his powers during the battle, and your men must have won the war because of it!