An Unknown Past

“The First Scroll & The Child of Peace”

Summary: Why is Ella’s past kept unknown to her? Her family is a mystery, except for her mother, who refuses to divulge their heritage. Ella is lonely living in Los Angeles, so she creates a found-family with two brothers who love her like a sister. When one brother is called by God to fight in a foreign war and goes missing, Ella becomes a pacifist and misotheist, blaming violence and God for her pain. Haunted by nightmares of the foreign fantasy lands once described in her friend’s letters, she suspects a connection between her friend’s disappearance and the world she sees in her dreams.

On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, a magical portal transports her to Evynlore, a very real second dimension of Earth. There, she discovers her friend’s mission was to defeat a tyrannical sorcerer. She learns his attempts were impossible, as the prophecy says she alone can kill the sorcerer. As the most unwilling person to save the world, but now tied to its fate, she faces a difficult dilemma. Will she follow the prophecy and be the child of peace destined to kill the sorcerer, or can she find her own pacifistic resolution?

Embark on this adventure as Ella discovers the truth. Did God really lead her friend to another world to accomplish an impossible task, or is that only how it appears? After the last spell is cast and the final prayer uttered, will Ella be able to save the world of Evynlore, discover what truly happened to her friend, and find the peace she seeks for her soul.


Coming of Age | Pacifism | Friendship | Platonic Love | Romance | Love Triangle | Religion | Salvation | Redemption |  God | Struggle for Power | Responsibility | Assassination | Abandonment | Loneliness | Arrogance | Destiny | Supernatural Abilities | Prophecy | Purpose | Worth | Faith | Purity | A Sense of Belonging | Heritage | Sacrifice | Betrayal | Prehistoric Animals | Dragons | Castles | Need for Family | Kindness | Magic | Demons | Archaeology | Honesty & Trust

Ellastiléa’s Inner Conflict shown through a Book Trailer.

Experience the gripping inner turmoil of Ellastiléa in this captivating book trailer. Angry and bitter over the death of her close friend, whom she regarded as family, she questions God's understanding of fairness. But when transported to the world of Evynlore, she comes face-to-face with God. Will the truths revealed reshape her perception, or will she cling to her resentment, blaming God for her loss? As she grapples with her fears about her own soul's destination, Ellastiléa discovers that appearances can be deceiving, and death may just be the beginning of the story.

The beta readers say,

  • "Darrick and Ella. They’re truly so adorable! "

    ~ Beta Reader

  • "I love the layers this chapter added to the story. There’s so many moving parts, and seeing things line up and connect is great."

    ~ Beta Reader

  • "I really do like how the author has woven religion into the fabric of the story. It’s so interesting, and a great worldbuilding aspect."

    ~ Beta Reader

  • "Seriously fantastic finale chapter."

    ~ Beta Reader

  • "There’s no characters I didn’t like. Seriously, by this point, I enjoy reading about them all. I’m invested."

    ~ Beta Reader

Book one releases end of this year!

The Prologue Trailer

This book trailer showcases the prologue of the book. It sets the theme and shows the reader the mood of the story. It also showcases some of the fantasy world.

The Maker sent one of his angelic servants, a strong Malakh named Mydar, to appear before Seaphus and explain the prophecy of Seaphus’s dream to him. Mydar revealed to Seaphus how the evil morrs (demons), who had been let into the world of Evynlore and had brought with them magic and cults, would be defeated by a descendant of the KayShadden bloodline. Mydar told Seaphus to write this prophecy down in scrolls, for the prophecy would bring hope to all generations. Through the chosen descendant Evynlore would be led back to serving the Maker and a time of peace would come unto the world. So Seaphus wrote the Prophecy of the Twelve Scrolls and the Child of Peace.

More than one novel, it’s a series!

Series Summary

S. R. Usher's "The Evynlore Series" is a twelve-book saga set in the alternate world of Evynlore, inhabited by the Delnor people who fled Earth to escape dark magic. Initially a sanctuary, Evynlore's peace shatters when a rebellious Delnor defies the Maker’s sole command to remain separate from Earth, crafting portals that reconnect the worlds. These gateways allow morrs, demons that exchange magic for wicked worship, to invade. As the threat of destruction looms over both worlds, characters are caught between divine providence and free will as they navigate magic, cults, faith, and a divine power called dunamis, to save the land and people they love. This series for young and old delves deep into the battle between good and evil. Follow along as the characters learn how the spiritual forces behind good and evil influence not only the physical world, but also their souls' eternal destinies.

"Evyn" means the Maker is gracious, and "lore" means story. Together, "Evyn-lore" is the story of the people who experience the Maker’s grace.

Author’s Note

"I am thrilled that you are interested in my book series! Each novel can be read as a standalone story, but I hope you will read all twelve books (as they release) to uncover the intricate connections between the characters. I wrote the Evynlore Series out of a love for exploring the relationship between the soul and the connections it forms with others—whether human, animal, or nature; and the relationship between an individual and their deepest desire. Whether most of us are aware of it or not, often our deepest desire is driven by the need to find our purpose, forgiveness, and love. Those who truly seek revelation discover that the void felt inside isn't filled by a lifestyle, wealth, or being spiritual. The void is there to serve a purpose; it causes us to search, to want, and to find what we were created to find. That void is satisfied by one particular person—and that person has a name in both our world and in Evynlore. I'd like to introduce you to that person through my stories.

My books are for all ages, including adults. And, although I wrote them for readers in their twenties, I encourage younger readers to enjoy them as well. Mature themes are written in a wholesome manner, and I value family and biblical morals. Redemption is the best story one can tell, and I aim to bring joy, laughter, and a deeper meaning to your life through the journey of my characters. Evynlore is a world that I have been developing my entire life. I started drawing ideas for my world as young as nine years old and wrote the first dialogue between characters when I was eleven! Evynlore has been in the making for over eighteen years. Let me transport you from this world into Evynlore—a fantasy land that embodies the beauty of our own world but exists in an alternate dimension where magic is real and dinosaurs still walk alongside humans— and since dinosaur is just a modern term for dragon, yes, there are many dragons in Evynlore.”

You can learn more about me and why I wrote my books by visiting my Author page.

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