Every fantasy book has them— made up names, terms, jargon that no one knows how to say. But a fantasy world just isn’t complete without them. Here is a guide to help you pronounce my invented names and terms.

How to read accent marks as intended by the author. The same accent marks have different meanings in different languages around our world. This guide clarifies which rules the author follows.

Search character names by alphabetical order. Learn the spelling, Delavian runes, phonetical pronunciation in English, and IPA pronunciation which can be copy and pasted into an online IPA reader to hear the name read correctly aloud.

Note: All Delavian runes in this list are written for English translation.

Delavian runes are not a language, but is a symbol-alphabet to represent the forty phonetic sounds an English speaker can make, allowing any word to be written with one symbol for each sound, without indicating single sounds by groups of letters or diacritical marks. Although intended for English, it can be used to write out any language’s words pronounced phonetically within the forty sound limit.

The author uses the Shavian Alphabet in the public domain as her Delavian rune-symbols to write in her made up Evynlore languages. Credit to Bernard Shaw (the mind behind the alphabet) & and Kingsley Read (the designer of it).

To learn more about Delavian runes, visit page: About World > Languages.