The stranger uses a dunamis shield to block your dagger from ending the animal’s life. You let the animal go, secretly happy someone intervened. But now dread falls upon you. Your life is forfeit. Because you failed to complete the ritual you can’t return to the battlefield. That’s a problem because, without the General, you don’t have anywhere to live or anyone to take care of you. You start to stand up to run away from the stranger, who certainly is fighting for the opposite side in the war. Not only does he use dunamis instead of magic, but the blue feather he wears marks him as the opposing army’s General. He approaches quickly, telling you not to fear him. You pause. Something in his tone, reminds you there is hope for a better life. He sits down and says he knows your tale, for he once was a slave-child too, forced to do horrible things. He starts a small controlled fire to bring light into the forest and then extends to you a little candle on a tray. You wonder how he knew you were afraid of the dark. He tells you that you can be free of your master and the wicked morrs, if you follow him. What do you do?