Learn Dunamis

Dunamis & the Five Words of Creation

You chose to follow the Maker. Good choice! There are five creation (Crea) words to learn. These Crea words are the original names of the five spheres that make up the elements of the earth. Each Crea word when spoken is capable of creating an element, and when accompanied by a hand movement that element can be manipulated and used for almost any need. Dunamis has two tiers of power. Derived dunamis can be used by anyone, as where direct dunamis (the strongest dunamis) is only lent by the Maker to those who follow him faithfully. Direct dunamis is the Maker’s spirit actually indwelling the user to wield dunamis for good, if you ask him to dwell in you. For the sake of this quest, you are given derived dunamis. Maybe down the road if you read the book series you might want to ask the Maker for his direct dunamis. Who knows. :)

Now you must choose your special element-talent.