You walk through the fields to the river, but before you can take a drink you see a pair of eyes looking at you. It’s a dragon under the water, but not just any dragon. It’s Àthêre, the son of Elëázar. You have heard stories of the Maker’s son taking on forms of animals to visit Evynlore, but you have never seen him before, and here in the Elysain Fields he is in his strongest form of the Crystal Dragon. He surfaces and turns into a man clothed in robs of light. You are afraid, too afraid to move. He must hate you for serving the morrs. To your surprise he asks why you are here. You tell him how you found yourself here and that you wanted to drink the water. He smiles, clearly he doesn’t hate you, and you begin to wonder if he might even care about you. But then he says you are not allowed to drink the water, and that, only those who follow him and love his father may drink from this river. You feel hurt, disappointed even and tell him it is not possible for you to follow him because of your evil master. He answers, “Child you need only ask my father, and he will make it possible for you to follow me.” What do you do next?