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The thrill of a quest can come to you every month! Sign up for the mailing list and receive personalized email-updates from the author that will immerse you deeper into this enchanting world through mini quests. Every quest earns you Evynlore currency redeemable for exciting digital prizes or real-money-off coupons! No matter where you live, whether it be a castle or a worn-down village, imagine holding a letter, delivered by a dragon, inviting you to leave home and find the world’s treasures. Joining earns you a Diamond Garsome! The most precious currency in Evynlore worth a whole prize on its own or $3 off.

How mini quests and earning works: When an email is sent to you, complete the mini quest explained at the bottom of the email and you will earn Evynlore currency. These mini quests are simple tasks designed for you to help spread the word about Evynlore. S. R. Usher will keep a tally of your completed actions, and each action is worth a coin. These coins will be added to your personal treasure chest which is automatically created when you sign up for the mailing list. Weather you fill your treasure chest with one coin or several, you can visit the “redeem coins” page to cash in for coupons and prizes!

Simple. Free. Mini Quests & Updates.

Your diamond garsome (worth $3 off or a whole prize) is redeemable immediately after you confirm your free email subscription. Your coupon Code will be provided once you confirm in your email.

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