Choose Your Fate

Dunamis or Magic

In Evynlore, as in our world, the eternal struggle between good and evil, right and wrong, is personified by two mystical forces: Dunamis and Magic. Much like the vast gray area that dominates our reality, most individuals reside within the ambiguity between these two supernatural powers. However, these forces possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. Even if there is ambiguity between them, there is a line drawn in the sand and when ignored, you gamble your eternal fate.

Dunamis is a manifestation of the Maker's gift to humans, a power to control a little bit of his creation ability. Dunamis finds its greatest strength when harnessed for noble causes. This supernatural force serves both the greater good and individual well-being. While not inherently designed for combat, it possesses formidable capabilities in self-defense and the protection of the vulnerable. However, it is impossible to use dunamis to take a human life, or cause harm to any creature with the breath of life.

Conversely, magic originates from the morrs, the malevolent entities of Evynlore who arrogate themselves as gods. Many use magic despite this, willingly ignoring its sinister source, asserting that if they use it for the mundane than it is neutral. This, however, is a grave deception. When one relies on magic, one becomes entangled in the morrs' influence, gradually surrendering their humanity and will. Should you choose this path, do so with open eyes. Magic is strongest when used for evil because it is inherently wicked.

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Redemption password is: Ella

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You Earned Evynlore Currency!

Old Man Flipper’s gave you a silver sparrow. I add a second silver sparrow to your pouch as a reward for learning about Dunamis and Magic.

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