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This requires a password. To unlock, click “Join free Quests” at top right of page.

Quest Part One!

Includes: Three audiobook style pages read to you, a film, an explanation of what the coins are worth that you earn questing, and the knowledge of magic and dunamis.

Milestones track your distance as you travel.

At the bottom of each page, you’ll see twelves stones. One of the stones will be lit-up. These stones help you track how far you’ve traveled; sometimes you’ll travel one stone per pages, other-times you’ll travel a few stones per page. It’s a fun way to keep track of how close you are to your end destination and your prizes.

You’ve Earned Evynlore Currency!

As a token of appreciation for visiting and joining the email list, here are eleven bronze mites to start you off.

At the bottom of each page, you will discover this small section. You'll see the Evynlore currency you've earned for completing the milestones on that page, and a brief segment of the quest story-line. Below, you'll find the 'Continue Quest' button. Click the button now, and you’ll travel to your first milestone.

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