Realms and Resources Trading Card Game

Realms and Resources is an up and coming trading card game based off the Evynlore Book Series. Release dates are coming! This page is to introduce you to the trading card game. Follow us on our journey as we create art, layout, and card production. Card mechanics and game play will be future content featured here. Realms and Resources, or RnR as we call it, is a unique card game which can be played 1v1 or with an unlimited number of players. Turns are a thing of the past, RnR holds the mechanics for trading card games of the future!

The cards displayed on this website are provided as examples and may be subject to revisions. Realms and Resources Evynlore TCG (also known as RnR) is a trademarked card game recognized by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). Additionally, all artwork featured herein is protected by copyright.

Meet the Creators! Jonathan & Sierra

Jonathan and Sierra are the creators of RnR. They both bring years of experience to creating this card game. Sierra worked eighteen years writing a twelve book fantasy series, which is where the characters and card ideas are pulled from. Jonathan has played TCGs for over twenty-five years and is a master theorist for strategy. He knows game mechanics and he has set out to make the most fun and fluid card game of the century. Sierra has a degree in Graphic Design and specializes in illustrations, which helps when designing the card art and layout. Sierra and Jonathan also make sure the math of the game remains moderate, because no one likes calculus while playing a game for rest and relaxation. Combined, they make the perfect married couple to create the world's greatest card game, or at least, the world of Evynlore's greatest card game! We hope you might consider supporting our creation. Your support would be appreciated.


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Decks & Realms!

RnR is a deck-based strategy game. You can design your own deck or play with the decks we have compiled for each realm! Every kingdom and province has its own animal crest. Here are the animal crests for the four main realms.

Lahtaynia Realm

Sohkatoa Realm

Gesemeron Realm

Natheteron Realm


The division of the royal Strightus line, as is often the case with the allocation of power, was a complex process that spanned two generations. This division gave rise to the establishment of four geographical realms within Evynlore, each of which contained a number of kingdoms and provinces. Shadden's decision to prioritize his nephews and nieces over his uncles and aunt created a rift between the generations and led to the emergence of what is known as the greater and lesser generations.

Following Shadden's passing, the greater generation was composed of Shadden's father's siblings (Lahtaynia, Gesemeron, Sohkatôa) and Shadden's eldest son, Natheteron, who was close to their age. Although this generation had been skipped over to rule, they still had sway over their children, and so they took it upon themselves to divide Evynlore by the resources found in her lands, so that each of the new royal bloodlines would have fair opportunity to establish their kingdom. Never before had it been decreed that every royal child should have inheritance as a ruler, and so a new kind of hierarchy needed to be established to prevent war. Each eldest child of Lahtaynia, Gesemeron and Sohkatôa would be crowned as High Rulers, to be given a fourth of the land, divided not by size but by the value of prospective resources. The remaining fourth, and the largest portion of the land rich in garsome, would be allotted to Natheteron as the Highest Ruler for they all feared his great sorcery which Mortifer had given him. And so, the greater generation defined four geographical realms around the most precious resources, with the hope to stimulate trade opportunities and peace. These realms became known as the Four Realms of Evynlore. Since Shadden had not allowed the greater generation to name their bloodlines after themselves, (a decree, that even after his death could not be undone) Lahtaynia, Gesemeron, Sohkatôa and Nathereon gave the four realms their names as an act of defiance against Shadden's memory. And so the greater generation was remembered throughout history by the names of the four realms as where the lesser generation is remembered through the names of the twelve bloodlines.

Consequently, the firstborn of the lesser generation became known as the High Royal Bloodlines, for they were given rulership of the four realms. These High Royal Bloodlines are Cornu, Osaur, Wease, and Shadden (Natheteron’s bloodline was not named after his firstborn but after his father). The non-firstborn nephews and nieces, and Natheteron’s two much younger siblings, assumed rulership of smaller kingdoms within the realms and their bloodlines were called the Lesser Royal Bloodlines and consisted of Cygnus, Acin, Allion, Cephal, Hartt, Itimus, Thera, and Tragus, completing a total of twelve kingdoms and twelve bloodlines.

Each realm can be played as a good or evil deck, or a mixture.

Some realms serve the Maker as where other realms are polytheistic, serving many gods called the morrs. Thus, you get a mixture of characters to play and build your desk with. In RnR you will find everything from good hearted people to wicked sorcerers. This keeps the game interesting and your characters religious alignments effect their abilities. Good characters are often proficient in dunamis, since dunamis is the supernatural ability provided by the Maker to control the elements; as where evil characters, and characters who were raised in polytheistic realms, are often proficient in magic whether they be a wicked person at heart or not. There are also characters who define their skills with tools rather than the supernatural, but even these seemingly neutral characters are often effected by their realm loyalty and who they serve as their god.

There are many more elements to the game, including energy points (EP), strength stats, and of course lots of strategy. While the game is in Alpha, the creators are working hard to pair up characters that fight well together into dynamic duos: character combinations that players, like yourself, will want to build an entire deck around. They are also considering the balance between magic vs dunamis, since with dunamis you can create elements out of thin-air, as where magic you need to complete rituals and have specific items equipped to use spells. There is so much to consider and so much that has already been considered. Those who have tested out the game in its Alpha stage are saying the game is engaging, fun, and easy to learn, and addictive. Everything you want to hear about in a trading card game!


  • Humans and creatures based on the memorable personalities of the Evynlore Books. They serve as your army in RnR to fight the war.

  • Dunamis Directives and Magic Spells which manipulate the outcome of each round.

  • These cards are everything from weapons to belief systems which are used to strengthen your character in battle.

  • The Realm Card is based on which realm you play. It provides geographic and cultural bonuses which can be used to your advantage.

  • Energy Points are used each turn to perform actions. You regenerate EP each turn, but also can draw extra EP from your deck.


Card games take a lot of time and thought to create. Check out all the stages RnR has gone through in the picture gallery below. Subscribe to the mailing list to be the first to know when the game has moves to the next stage and earn coupons! We don’t have any cards for sale yet, but we do have card game accessories available in the store. These accessories can be used for any trading card games you currently play. Purchasing these accessories helps support the development of our card game and speeds up the process of us getting this game out on the market for you to enjoy and love! We hope to launch it in 2024 or 2025.

Distance Traveled

You have met a mighty opponent.

So take up your sword!

Although the division of the realms was intended to keep peace between the kingdoms, peace evaded Evynlore, for morrs ruled in the hearts of men. No sooner had each kingdom taken root and the Delnor people divide themselves among the clans, did war break out. The realm of Lahtaynia saw that the realm of Sohkatôa had great wealth in grain and good pastures for their flocks. King Cornu felt cheated when he looked around his realm and all he saw was lumber and ice. He turned to his cousin Osaur, who was king of Gesemeron, and told him he planned to attack their cousin Wease to seize his land and resources. When Osaur refused to join the war, King Cornu threatened to take his realm of Gesemeron instead, for it was rich in bronze and iron. Being a weak hearted man, King Osaur agreed to send his army along with Lahtaynia’s to the attack the realm of Sohkatôa. When Queen Tanari, Natheteron’s firstborn who ruled the realm of Natheteron, heard of this, she sent word to worn her cousin Wease. This gave King Wease time to gather his army and meet the threat on the battlefield. Queen Tanari also sent her armies to aid Sohkatôa, as they fought on the fertile crescent which is the realm of Natheteron, between Sohkatôa and Lahtaynia. This Battle of the Realms set the tide for all future negotiations and alliances between the High Rulers and their respective kingdoms and provinces held within.