Evynlore’s Creation Story

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A Ballad Counting To Twelve.

“One world was created in the beginning, but 

Two exist today. 

Three Spirits of Light created them,

praying to one is to all, they say.

Four realms each with a king and queen, 

divide the land among the Delnor people, 

Five elements, on which they lean,

the fifth is light divine in the steeple.

Six morrs of darkness entered Evynlore 

through forbidden portals,

Seven elds appoint the time no more,

the end of the world and mortals,

Eight spells of darkness the morrs doth cast, 

men’s souls to deceive, but

Nine senses a Delnor human hath, 

and dunamis to wield for reprieve.

Ten languages bloomed into beautiful tongues, 

but none held a candle to Crea.

Eleven cults bound men's souls in darkness,

but there is not one the Spirits of Light cannot free.

Twelve scrolls record this future, 

I write them upon this night,

but it is for each alone to travel their path, 

the prophecy merely gives them sight.”

Evynlore is in your hands.

You walk down a familiar path and when turning a corner you find a great crack in the earth. What do you do?