Proof Readers Needed!

The 1st and 2nd round of Beta Readers were awesome! So much improvement has been implemented to the story because of their feedback. Once again, I need volunteer readers willing to read and look for typos on the edited draft this time.

I need you! Join the Proof Readers! The proof readers will be needed in about 3 months, in October, 2023! A digital draft will be sent to you for reading should you wish to participate! Becoming a proof reader is easy!

Three Easy Steps

  1. Read this entire page.

2. Read the summary of the book you will be proof reading.

3. Fill out the form and hit submit to be on the Proof Reader team!

Step One:

What is a proof reader?

Description: A proof reader is someone who reads the not yet published, but edited, manuscript and looks for typos and inconstancies before the book goes to print. You can help the author perfect this novel by reading the story and highlighting any mistakes. Feedback as to the story and characters at this time is no longer the objective, as the beta readers gave that sort of feedback previously and the final changes to the story have been made. You will be looking for anything that looks off including: typos, misspellings of names, layout design, spaces, sections breaks, and overall feel when looking at the words on the page. Does the layout make your eyes and brain feel happy and relaxed when you look at the book, or does the layout make you feel claustrophobic? Is the font too small? Are there any random blank pages? These are the types of feedback Proof Readers supply the author.

After you read and enjoy the digital copy (which will be emailed to you via shared through google docs) S. R. Usher will send a personal email to collect your feedback. This feedback is crucial to polish the final draft. Your participation is appreciated and needed! To be a proof reader fill out the simple form to sign up!

Timeline: Digital drafts will be emailed out October 2023 (precise date to follow) & you will be provided access to the book for two weeks.

Rules: This is a volunteer position and you will not be paid, nor will you be charged for the digital PDF of the book. Only the information you see in the form is required to join my proof team! This is for everyone all ages—ages 18 and up; and ages 13 and up with parents permission. I respect your privacy. Submitting this form is your consent to be contacted by myself (the author) through email. All information provided must be true. In addition to being a proof reader, you will be subscribed to Evynlore’s mailing list for future updates (its a personal mailing list I, the author, send updates out on). Please check your spam folders, as I am not spam. :)

You may not digitally share, print, or sell the PDF provided to you and your access will be limited to two weeks (unless you ask me for more time). All information and story is under copyright.

Author Note: “I will be reading your feedback personally. I really appreciate your time and hope you will enjoy reading the first book to the Evynlore Series.” ~S. R. Usher

Gift: As a thank you for your participation, S. R. Usher would like to email you a printable official piece of Evynlore artwork, digitally signed, dated, numbered and drawn by yours truly. When you send the feedback email, let me know which realm crest you would like to receive as your thank you: Wolf, Dragon, Rhino or Ferret. You can see these four crests under the digital art ‘gallery’ page.

Step Two:

What you will be reading: Please read the below summary of the overall series and the summary of book one to be sure this is the type of story you enjoy reading.


S. R. Usher's "The Evynlore Series" is a twelve-book saga for young adult and adult readers. Evyn means the Maker is gracious and lore means story. Together Evyn-lore is the story of the people who experience the Maker’s grace. Evynlore is an alternate world, which separated from Earth a few hundred years after the Great Flood. Magic and dragons coexist with humans in Evynlore, and Evynlore is linked to Earth through forbidden portals that may one day endanger both worlds. Follow compelling characters who must decide between the Maker's will and their own desires as they strive to save their beloved land and people. This immersive fantasy series features dinosaurs, dunamis, and the intriguing people of the twelve Delnor bloodlines.


Ellastiléa’s dreams overflow with visions of a mystical world, its war, and a person made of starlight. Her city-life takes a dramatic turn when she's transported to Evynlore, the very world she dreams of. To save the world and ensure survival, she must vanquish an evil sorcerer.

Two daunting obstacles haunt her. Firstly, she grapples with fear of death and uncertainty about her afterlife, yearning for a neutral eternity away from God while escaping hell. Secondly, as a pacifist, she must find a way to conquer the sorcerer without taking his life.

Can victory come without bloodshed? After the last spell is cast and the final prayer uttered, will she discover that the solution to inner peace and saving the world is one and the same?

Step Three:

Please watch the book trailer on the home page or novel page, as well.

If this is your type of story please fill out the form below and sign the non-disclosure. I would love to have you as a Proof Reader!

Free, easy, and hopefully enjoyable!