We live in a great era where self-publishing is mainstream and the traditional use of publishing houses has become secondary. What does this mean? It means no censorship. It means great ideas can be shared straight to the public without having to jump through the hoops of the big publishing houses’s opinions. It means you don’t have to be rich or famous to share your story. It means stories are being told as the author’s intended to tell them. Self publishing nurtures new ideas, true diversity, better pay for authors, and better books for readers!

Stone Press is here to support your freedoms to tell a great story! We do not publish any books besides the Evynlore books, but we are here to help answer questions (for free), and to help you on your own journey and quest as a writer. S. R. Usher personally reads the emails sent to Stone Press Publishing, and will do her best to answer your questions or connect you with someone who can help.

Learn About Stone Press Publishing & Team.

  • About Stone Press Publishing

    Stone Press Publishing is run by S. R. Usher and was established to support more self publishing authors. Stone Press Publishing specializes in preparing fantasy books for print, through free (non-legal) advice. Writing takes time and strength but the end product is worth the grind.

    Access to author. “Feel free to email me with questions about self-publishing.”

  • Free Resources to Self-Publishing Authors

    Free resources are available for download in PDF formate.

    1) Beginners Guide to Publishing

    2) Check list and Steps to Publishing

    3) How I built and Published my World

Meet the Team

  • S. R. USHER


    Everyone should be able to tell their story and share their experiences. S. R. Usher has been writing for almost two decades and desires for everyone to share their stories and live their dreams, just like she does as an author.

  • Jonathan R.


    Jonathan has an amazing ability to listen to a whole life story of a character, only to nod at the end and say, "Okay, so they will have this ability on the card," condensing a novel into a line of text that perfectly reflects upon the character's originality.

  • Madeline M.


    Madeline M. is an experienced developmental editor and beta reader for Young Adult and Fiction. With a degree in English Literature, she offers valuable feedback on story pacing, characters, and dialogue.

  • Andrea Olive


    Andrea has read An Unknown Past from draft one to final cut, providing vital feedback and knowing the story inside out. She's always available for quick replies on a 24-hour basis, making her an invaluable asset to the author.

  • Cheri. L. Usher


    Cheri is a dedicated researcher & proofreader for the Evynlore series, offering essential assistance to the author with grammar, legal jargon, and more. As the author's mother, she has also contributed supplies and funds to the series.