Elysium Stars

A Star of Marriage

The Vita Stella Lux star festival, meaning "light for life," is a truly special annual event in Evynlore. Across all the lands, stars symbolize the unions formed through marriage, and the constellations represent the ancestral bloodlines of the Delnor people. When two souls pledge their love and merge their elysium light through a marriage vow, a star is born. This newly created star ascends into the sky to become a part of their family's constellation. But you might wonder, which family's constellation does it join? Is it the man's or the woman's?

Well, these family constellations, known as stellariums, reside closer to Earth than natural stars. In fact, they hang within the planet's atmosphere and remain fixed in place, unlike real stars that follow the seasons. The Maker himself selects their positions, seemingly tethering them to our world with an invisible string. The Maker's wisdom ensures that each elysium star aligns with both the man and woman's family stellariums because marriage not only unites families together but simultaneously creates new ones. Now, you might be wondering, how does this celestial alignment occur? To witness a star align within one of these constellations, you must find yourself in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas for the other constellation, a journey to the Southern Hemisphere is required. The Maker maps out the skies and knows the future, including who will be married one day, and so since the beginning of Evynlore he started to paint the skies with elysium stars.

The Ruling Constellations

Now, among these stellariums, the twelve royal bloodline ones hold a unique distinction. While they remain within Evynlore's atmosphere, their invisible anchor-lines are connected to real stars rather than the planet. These real star constellations form the well-known zodiac constellations. However, to the Denlor, the name zodiac is unfamiliar. To them, these stars have no relation to astrology; instead, they hold significance in matters of marriage, royalty, and faithfulness. The Denlor people refer to these stars as the Ruling Constellations, as they take turns dominating the skies throughout the year. Each constellation is represented by an animal. For example, Pisces is known as Airal, the Wolf Constellation, and represents the Shadden bloodline, the same bloodline to which Princess Ellastiléa belongs through her father. In the case of royal stellariums, the stars don't align with both the man and woman's bloodlines but rather with the highest-ranking bloodline, whether it belongs to the man or woman. These animals, which became the visual representation of the family crests, were once living creatures that served as pets to royalty in the early ages of Evynlore. The languages of different realms, kingdoms, and provinces were named after these very animals.

Prophecy of The Twelfth Scroll: A New Alzyon

"It is foretold that at the end of time, the abundance of elysium stars, collected over the ages, will illuminate a path which every faithful worshiper of Elëázar will follow. Then Àthêre shall call them to his father's kingdom of Empyrean, whose foundation is built beyond the stars. They will ascend the stars with delight, like a bride ascends to the altar for her groom, and when they reach the Crystal City every heart will rejoice. Indeed, the redeemed will enter Alzyon in those days, free from the grasp of death, and Evynlore will be reborn beneath their feet, devoid of woes and sorrows. When the old is shed and the Maker reshapes Evynlore, Alzyon shall descend from the firmament to grace the land. From that moment on, Evynlore shall be known as New Alzyon, and Elëázar will walk among his people in the flesh, as the eternal king."

Below, you'll find star charts depicting the stellariums of the Ruling Constellations, each associated with one of the Twelve Royal Bloodlines of the Delnor.

The Ruling Constellations

  • Natheteron Wolf

    Natheteron (location) Natheterin (people) Airal (language) Shadden (bloodline).

  • Sohkatoa Ferret

    Sohkatoa (location) Sohkatoin (people) Tallmar (language) Wease (bloodline).

  • Lahtaynia Rhino

    Lahtaynia (location) Lahtaynian (people) Chamber (language) Cornu (bloodline).

  • Gesemeron Dragon

    Gesemeron (location) Gesemerin (people) Hash (language) Osaur (bloodline).

  • Hymuleith Mammoth

    Hymuleith (location) Hymuleithite (people) Muleith (language) Itimus (bloodline).

  • Basilium Swan

    Basilium (location) Basilnite (people) Basal (language) Cygnus (bloodline).

  • Sibriel Polarbear

    Sibriel (location) Sibrielite (people) Breckish (language) Thera (Bloodline).

  • Nikiki Cheetah

    Nikiki (location) Nikwi (poeple) Kawii (language) Acin (bloodline).

  • Cephaldus Octopus

    Cephaldus (location) Cephaldite (people) Fretum (language) Cephal (bloodline).

  • Enthindreal Sabertooth

    Enthindreal (location) Enthindrealite (people) Toophlong (language) Tragus (bloodline).

  • Narce Stag

    Narce (location) Narce (people) Nixel (language) Kyloe (bloodline).

  • Cartharin Stallion

    Cartharin (location) Cartharinain (poeple) Carthos (language) Allion (bloodline).


History of Evynlore


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