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Rune Languages

1) Diluvian Runes

Universal writing alphabet

2) Crea (Creation Runes)

The five creation words of dunamis.


Magic spells are spoke in Latin, written in Diluvian Runes. Because the morrs are from Earth they brought this as their preferred language and taught it to their followers.

The Four Languages

3) Natheterin

Common Realm Language

4) Lahtaynian

Common Realm Language

5) Sohkatôin

Common Realm Language

6) Gesemerin

Common Realm Language

Common Tongues

7) Chamber

Elite Upper Class Lahtaynians

8) Squawk

Relitch Language

9) Ethereal

Piety speech for Overseers and Monks

10) Narce

Narce Language

11) Sorrel

Folk Language of Cartharin.

12) Hymul

Spoken by those who live high up in mountains villages of Rümlon’s Cove. They are descendants form Hymuleith.

13) Tallmar

Sohkatôin folk speech in south-west rural towns.

14) Nikiki

Tribal tongue of the Nikiwí tribe.

15) Éöth

The tongue of the people of Enthindréal.

Delavian Runes



