There are twelve books in the Evynlore series just as there are twelve scrolls to the prophecy. All the books are written (first drafts) and will be released in order as they become refined (final drafts). Below are the titles of the coming novels. Titles of unpublished novels are subject to change. Summaries will release a few months before each book along with the books cover reveal.

Twelve Book Series

An Unknown Past: The First Scroll & The Child of Peace

A Ring and a Rivadawn: Power Is Not Authority

Forest Dweller: Hidden Love Rarely Hits Its Target

The Travelers Tale: A Fate Written In Stone

Dragon Wings: True Freedom has a Master

Twelve Scrolls: Know The Truth By The Past

The Knowing: Heavier than a Lie, is the Truth

Ultimate Sacrifice: One Must Die To Live

Eld of Antiquity: Value Beyond Compare

Bride of Morthington: The Remedy To Fear Is Love

I Am Immortal: Righting Wrong when Wrong is Right

Eternal World: When Today’s Sunrise Is The Last   


More About | An Unknown Past: The First Scroll & The Child of Peace