Relitch History and Species | RaveFletch & CrowFletch.

The Species of Relitches

| Description and Characteristics

They can take on the appearance of: a human, a raven, a crow, a black bird or their Fletch form. When they transfigure into her natural form it is a form between a bird and a human. Fletches look like great black birds standing an average of eight feet tall, with wings wrapped around them like baggy robes, and their feathers cover their body and their oil shimmers in the sun with rainbow colors amidst the black.

Their race is beautiful, in a terrifying and unnatural way.

They can speak any language while in their Fletch or human form, but when in the form of a common bird they can only speak the language of that bird. The language of the Fletch is Squawk.

Fletches are in fact a failed magical experiment of old, where the DNA of a bird had been infused into men by the first Lahtaynian king. The descendants of those orignal Fletch still hold the Cornu royal bloodline to blame for their ostracization in society, however they view their hybrid bodies as superior to humans and fuels the animosity between themselves and the human race. Fletches are rarely enjoyable to keep company with and the older they grow the more they loath humans. The current king, like his ancestor’s before him, deem them an abomination: Hideous. Distractible. Monstrosities. They are often called chicken-foot and other demeaning names and spat upon in human society, and like-wise the Fletch will take human’s to be their slaves should a human wonder to close to their territory. If it was not for the peace treaty which gives them the right to have Raven Realm, in which their home of Hivenest and sovereign government resides, violence would break out. Fletches would pose a real threat to the humans of the surrounding Realm of Lahtaynia.

In a passed and forgotten eld, long before the kingdoms had lost connections to bloodlines between their royalty. There was a king, grandson to King Lahtainyah, named RuCoo. He was waded in deep sorcery and convinced he could make his own species of man. He wanted to be their god and to have them serve him. RuCoo had his armies pillage his own villages and towns of no consequence, and stole any man the age of twenty who was strong. Then he experimented on them with bianonical magic. Forcing into their genome magixalky altered DNA that of a crow, blackbird, and to the strongest of men, the DNA of a raven. RuCoo erased their memories of the cantations and rituals preformed on them, and sent them home. Then he waited. It was not long until the village wemon were crying out in horror at their newborns having grotesque features of birds. And so it was almost all the newborns were cast out of the villages being deemed cursed by the gods. The king appointed a handful of men and women, enduldged in his sceam, sources and wizards, to go collect his hatchling and take them to the Mountain of Hivenest to raise his worshipers. What RuCoo did not forsee was the betrayl of his magical council. They did raise the hatchlings as their own and instructed them in great magic. However, they raised them to hate the king for what he had done to them, and when they were old enough to fly, the wizard Karmon, leader of the magical council, named their species Relitches, and the name the king gave them is to this day forgotten. Karmon named them Relitch for it is the Lahtainyain word, "swarm". The Relitches grew even more powerful than their teaches, and they lived far longer. While youths, they were impressionable and even kind to the wizards and sources who raised them. All the wizards and sources became old and died but Karmon lived to hunderd and two. Feath was the strongest Relitch and Karmon's favorite. Feath cared for Karmon until the wizard passed also. The wicked magic flowed through Relitch veins and the older they lived the more evil they became. They mastered the technique of transformation, to disguise themselves as humans. They populated to great numbers amongst themselves, and sent their young to human knowledge halls to be educated. The only sent their young, for the younger the Relitch the better its disposition. By age twenty they rarely set foot among humans anymore. By age 40 they scarcly can hide their malace toward humans, with the exception of gold. Like a raven they are obsessed over shinny things. So when being paid they can be quit cordial. 40 years had passed since the first Relitch, Feath, had been born and king RuCoo was now 60 years old and traveled to Hivenest to collect his creation. He had grand plans to use them as laborers, soilders, and even entertainment. He was met at the mountains fortress door by the self appointment Leader of the Relitches, Feath. King RuCoo had come with a parade of men beside him and asked to be lead to the Wizard Karmon. He marveled at the eight foot creature that looked half human and half bird. It's talons tapping it's baggy robes which were black but embossed in finaries. Feath spoke cold, "Karmon died two years ago. Along with the other humans who once raised us." King RuCoo was surprised. Why had Karmon not sent word all the other sources and wizards had died, before he died himself! King RuCoo shrugged and spoke again in a benevolent pompousness: "I have come to collect you all and place you into my will. I created you. I am your god." Feath sqwauked out in pleasure at this insidious joke. "Does worm ask me to do its bidding? You, are not a god. We worship Freece. You are a lowly human, who manipulated other god's creations to mutate us from already created creatures. You are beneath our will, our wishes, our whims, our mercy. I am King of the Relitchs." King RuCoo was infuriated! He called to his guards to raise their crossbows and kill every spesimine in the mountain, eventhose in the nest. He had not even made it through his command when a great claw came through his chest. The crossbows which were raised, froze, and their king toupled over and off the high bridge. King RuCoo's body plummeted down to the earth, but his heart remained in the claws of Feath's toes. The great bird lowered his foot and smashed the organ onto the volcanic obsidian. Feath had not even lifted a finger, and killed the king as quickly as a Hawk kills a sparrow. With a delighted look of power Feath tilted his head as a raven would do. He spied out the captain of the guard and said cunningly, "if you are wise you will tell his heir to heed our advice. Hivenest is our mountain to rule. And your kingdom is open to our talons whenever we so choose. I promise my swarm will not kill anyone else who is of importance to your rule, as long as we are kept separate from your laws. We cannot be tried by them. We cannot be asked to follow your traditions. We are our own nation and if you respect us we will let you live." "That is for the heir to decide." The captain said bravely back. Feath stretched out his neck and then recoiled into full human form. He walked down to the Captain who was behind four men. They practically fled down the bridge. The captain stood alone. Feath took the captains trembling hand and slid the kings bloody ring into it. "Very well. You have your order of rank. We Relitches delight in ranked systems. But know this, if your new king does not comprehend our ability to remove him from power, I am sure you will advise him strongly to reconsider, for knowing your own removel from life is soon to follow his death." The captain nodded. "I understand clearly." A week later a raven was sent with a message from the new king Glamor. He had accepted Feath's terms and laid out a list of even more freedoms for the Relitches to ensure his reign would be full in days. Feath and Glamor understood one another and from their rules we have our current imunuty for Relitches to the Lahtainyain law. They may wreck havoc on anyone with no title, take as they please, and torment; as long as they live no where else besides Hivenest in numbers greater than ten. Loving gold and all things that sparkle, it is common these days to have nobility hire Retches for body guards. Relitches even remain in the current King's castle. But do not be fooled. They are not servents, or even his citizens, though they be employed. They are equal to him, and only by their greed for gold do they put up with any humans. Even put up with the king.

RaveFletches vs. CrowFletches

| Fletch culture, government, religion.

Like the bird’s they resembled they would do anything to possess sparkling things, which throughout the ages has been their downfall. One diamond or ruby, a gold chain, or cup could steal away their dedication to their kind and self-respect, and they would swear an oath to do anything to attain the items for their own— even if it’s a human offering the jewels to them. However this instinct is not entirely against their hive-like nature, for every Fletch desires to be the Khaw, the leader, of Hivennest Mountain and nobility does not come from bloodline rights to the Fletch, as does the throne to human rulers, but from attending the Cooing. The Coo is a seasonal gathering where all Fletches must return to their leader (Khaw) to honor them with something of worth. Rubies, gold, a human slave, a heart of vengeance, anything that would please the Khaw. However, besides this being a yearly event where they pay homage to their leader, it is also an opportunity to overthrow their leader. The Coo is a ritualistic hierarchical comparison of value between hive members where the Fletch with the greatest treasure assumes the throne under the mountain until another Fletch can surprise their greatest treasure’s single value. This meeting brings out the true animalistic side of their race, for the previous Khaw is banished from the hive if another can out do their wealth. And likewise, if a Fletch fails to bring something at all to give to the Khaw as homage, then they are banished to work under the volcano, mining for gems until they find something of worth. If a Fletch fails to come when summoned for the Coo, they are cut off from the swarm of the hive and loose their protection of their people's status and immunity to Lahtayian Law.

There are two kinds of Fletch, RaveFletch and CrowFletch depending on which DNA they hail from. They almost never intermarry and the CrowFletch rule over the RaveFletch. To this day a RaveFletch has never accomplished domination at the Cooing.

History Story

| King RuCoo of Lahtaynia and Feath, Khaw of Hivenest.

Specs of a Relitch

Determining the flight speed of a fictional human-bird hybrid involves several considerations, including the creature's wingspan, weight, wing loading, muscle power, and flight mechanics. Since we are combining human and bird characteristics, we can make some educated estimates based on the flight capabilities of large birds like the wandering albatross.

Key Factors

  1. Wingspan: 17.5 feet (5.3 meters)

  2. Height: 7.5 feet

  3. Weight: Let's assume a weight proportional to the height and build of the creature, roughly 250 pounds (113 kg) to account for both human and bird-like muscle mass.

Comparable Bird Characteristics

  • Wandering Albatross:

    • Wingspan: up to 12 feet (3.7 meters)

    • Flight Speed: 50 to 60 mph (80 to 97 km/h)

    • Wing Loading: Typically around 6-8 pounds/ft²

Estimations and Assumptions

  1. Wing Loading: For efficient flight, the human-bird hybrid would need a low wing loading similar to soaring birds. Using an average wing loading of 7 pounds/ft²:

    Wing Area=250 pounds7 pounds/ft2≈35.7 ft2\text{Wing Area} = \frac{250 \text{ pounds}}{7 \text{ pounds/ft}^2} \approx 35.7 \text{ ft}^2Wing Area=7 pounds/ft2250 pounds​≈35.7 ft2

  2. Aspect Ratio: Assuming an aspect ratio (wingspan²/wing area) of around 8-10 for efficient flight, the estimated wing area of 35.7 ft² fits well with the wingspan of 17.5 feet.

Flight Speed Calculation

Using the characteristics of large soaring birds as a guide, and adjusting for the increased muscle power and wing structure of a larger, more muscular creature:

  • Power-to-Weight Ratio: The creature’s muscles would likely be more powerful than a bird’s, given its larger size and potentially stronger human-like muscles. This could enable slightly higher speeds.

  • Aerodynamics and Wing Efficiency: If we assume optimized wings for gliding and powered flight, similar to an albatross.

Given these factors, a reasonable estimate for the flight speed of the fictional human-bird hybrid would be:

Flight Speed ≈ 60 to 70 mph( 97 to 113 km/h)

This range considers the efficient gliding capabilities combined with the added muscle power of the hybrid creature, allowing for sustained flight speeds slightly higher than those of the wandering albatross.

So an average relitch could fly from Haven’s Delving to Dellavien Castle in about 8.5 hours.


Substituting the given values:

Time=600 miles70 miles per hour\text{Time} = \frac{600 \text{ miles}}{70 \text{ miles per hour}}Time=70 miles per hour600 miles​

Let's calculate this:

Time=60070≈8.57 hours\text{Time} = \frac{600}{70} \approx 8.57 \text{ hours}Time=70600​≈8.57 hours

So, it would take approximately 8.57 hours for the creature to travel 600 miles at a speed of 70 miles per hour.


Marriage Stars

