The Maker

The only true God and Uncreated One.

  • A triune God consisting of a three persons in one; the father, son, and spirit. Elëàzar, Àthêre and the Spirit of Peace.

  • The Maker. Aka: King of Empyrëan

    (Form: Spirit)

  • The Maker. Aka: King of Empyrëan

    (Form: Physical human but sometimes encountered in an animal form to aid a human secretly).

  • The Spirit of Peace, the spirit of God the creator AKA the Man of Starlight, or Person of Starlight. This spirit lives inside a follower of the Maker and sometime lends direct dunamis.

    (Form: Spirit)

The Àthêrèan religion:

A follower of the Maker is called an Àthêrèan: named this because to follow the Maker is to believe in the words of his son, Àthêre who says he alone can grant you passage into his father’s kingdom and paradise. The Àthêrèan religion is modeled after Christianity. Having a triune god which is three persons in one god. This includes the father, son, spirit model which is the Maker, Àthêre and the Spirit of Peace.

The cults of the gods.

Some morrs have established religions as where others teach a way of life.

There are morrs in Evynlore, which are fallen spirits. They chose evil and now claim to be gods among the humans. Six morrs exist in Evynlore.

  • Morrs are fallen spirits, once angelic malahks, who rebelled against the Maker. These fallen powerful spirits were given the new name of ‘morrs’ by the Maker, a word which means ‘bringers of death’. They are demons.

    Originally all spirits were created by the Maker to be good, and the spirits who did not rebel with the morrs are still good spirits to this day (serving the Maker and doing His will and retain their honorable title of malahks), but the morrs refused their role as the Maker’s will-doers, and wanted to be gods themselves. They chose evil, which corrupted their supernatural abilities of using powerful derived dunamis (which was woven into the fabric of creation at the beginning of time) into evil magic instead. They were cast out of the Maker’s kingdom as punishment for their rebellion and because evil cannot remain in the kingdom of Empyrëan. Being exiled from the Maker’s kingdom of Empyrëan, they were and are confined to wander the same realm as humans, since the human realm is also fallen with evil among it. Morrs do miraculous things to deceive humans into worshiping and following them instead of the Maker, asserting themselves as gods. The more worship a morr receives the more powerful the morr feels and becomes (in their own eyes and in the eyes of humans, but never in the eyes of the Maker).

    For you see, morrs created magic through corruption, but their magic amplitude comes from how many humans worship them. Unlike a true god who has power with or without human worship and exists fully divine without human acknowledgment, morrs need humans to acknowledge their divinity to secure their godship, for they are not true gods, but self proclaimed gods.

    Appearances of the fallen ones: Although morrs do not have genders as they are spirits, they can take on a physical form when speaking with humans; but only the form which they chose at the beginning of time before they rebelled against the Maker and became an evil spirit. These morrs can appear as a male human if that is their chosen form, or a female human. They cannot switch between genders and they have a unique face just as each human does. However their appearance is like-human but not entirely the same as human.

    Each morr is bound to an elemental sphere. With the exception of Mortifer which you can read about under his own section, there are five morrs and each are bound to their own elemental sphere. This means that they can only dwell in that substance and also their physical form can only be made out of that substance. For example the god Nícell chose to corrupt the creation power of water, and thus she is confined to the hydrosphere and though her form appears as a female human it is made of water, and she cannot walk upon the land unless it is raining. The rest of the morrs and their appearances are explained under their individual tabs.

  • Who he is: Mortifer is the leader of the morrs and the strongest of the false gods in Evynlore.

    Physical form: He is male when in his human appearance. He looks more human than any other morr because he can interact with all the elements.

    For a human to earn Mortifer’s favor and access his magic: they must complete the terrible ritual of murdering another human and then be possessed by Mortifer’s spirit.

    Mortifer’s abilities and restrictions: Since Mortifer can only possess one human at a time, and cannot leave that human unless that human is near death, Mortifer tends to be worshiped by a single human during a century, making that human the greatest sorcerer of that time. Despite this exclusivity, Mortifer is feared by most humans and some worship him with the desire that Mortifer will choose them as his next host. Mortifer is even feared by the other morrs because he can control all five elemental spheres and is very powerful.

    Mortifer’s goal: Mortifer has spent his life seeking the most powerful human to possess for although Mortifer holds the key to his own magic, he is limited in the sense he cannot use it without wielding it through a human. Thus, the stronger or more influential the human he possesses, the stronger he is in that century and to that era of people.

  • Who she is: Lehkeidah is the god of energy, which includes fire, heat, lava, light, cosmos, and kinetic energy (which includes healing).

    Physical form: She is female when in her human appearance. She is the morr responsible for the corruption of the power of energy, and thus she is confined to the elements of her corruption and though her form appears as a female human it is made of fire, lava, light and kinetic energy, and she hails from the cosmos, or lava pits of the earth.

    For a human to earn Lehkeidah’s favor and access her element specific magic: they must complete five years of worship to her, but afterwards do not need to continue worshiping her to keep her favor.

    Lehkeidah’s abilities and restrictions: She only has magic which controls the elements of energy. Since she does not possess people and asks minimal worship, once her favor is given it remains with the person, thus she can bestow her magic on as many people who ask it of her.

    Lehkeidah’s goal: She is considered one of the ‘gateway gods’ because she doesn’t require a lifetime commitment, and never asks for vile or immoral acts of worship, however she is still evil and desires you to worship her over the Maker. She may also encourage you to worship the other morrs after her, of which they may ask wicked things of you in exchange for their elemental powers.

    Followers are called ‘dahens’.

  • Who he is: Freece is the morr responsible for the corruption of power over the air, and thus he is confined to the elements of the atmosphere.

    Physical Form: He is male in his human appearance, but has feathers like a bird. He is found on high mountain tops or in the sky, for he cannot handle breathing much oxygen and must stay where the air is thin.

    For a human to earn Freece’s favor and access his element specific magic: they must bring him items of value. It is well known that he found human’s boring in their current state and so was the god who worked with a past Lahtaynian king to create the Relitch race, a race of half-bird humans who could better serve him.

    Freece’s abilities and restrictions: He only has magic which controls the elements of the atmosphere, which includes all air, wind patterns, currents, and gasses.

    Freece’s goal: To promote his race of men over the original race the Maker created.

    Followers are called ‘eecens’.

  • Who he is: Szarn is the morr responsible for the corruption of power over living things, and thus he is confined to the elements of the biosphere.

    Physical form: He is male in his human appearance, but is made of branches, leaves, soil or cactus needles depending on where he takes on physical form. Often he appears as only a large head, but sometimes as a giant with a body.

    For a human to earn Szarn’s favor and access his element specific magic: they must complete ten years of worship to him, and afterwards continue to worship the earth which is his domain or they will lose their ability to cast his spells.

    Szarn’s abilities and restrictions: He only has magic which controls the elements of the biosphere, which includes all living (non-human) things. Since he does not possess people but does require life-long worship, one must worship the creation over the creator to keep Szarn’s favor and his magic.

    Szarn’s goal: He is considered another ‘gateway god’ because he doesn’t come across as evil to most humans, for he often requires people to plant trees, till the earth, and honor animals, but those who understand more deeply, realize he wants you to worship the trees, earth and animals. Szarn’s desire is for you to worship what has been made in place of the Maker.

    Followers are called ‘arns’.

  • Who she is: Nícell is the morr responsible for the corruption of power over the waters, and thus she is confined to the elements of the hydrosphere.

    Physical form: Her form appears as a female human made of water. She cannot walk upon the land unless it is raining very hard.

    For a human to earn Nícell’s favor and access her element specific magic: they must drink from one of the four fountains of the earth, which are waterfalls she created and are her shines.

    Nícell’s abilities and restrictions: She only has magic which controls the elements of the hydrosphere, which includes all water: lakes, rivers, seas, rain, mist, fog, and any liquid mixed with water.

    Nícell’s goal: Grief driven and lonely people are her main targets as new followers. Those who want to leave their troubles behind. She prefers men as her followers and sometimes drowns them for fun after bewitching them. The lucky ones are made into her own image, as mermen and her few female followers are made into mermaids. Both must serve her entirely if they go as far as to become merpeople to follow her. If they fail her or disappoint her, she removes their converted lungs and allows them to drown. If they abandon her by returning to land, they have to avoid water for her remaining followers will look out for them and try to drown them should they get a chance.

    Followers are called ‘cellens’.

  • Who he is: Acoosh is the morr responsible for the corruption of power over the rocks and minerals, and thus he is confined to the elements of the lithosphere.

    Physical form: He is male in his human appearance, but has wings and pointy ears and is made of solid stone making him appear as a living gargoyle. He is found in caves or caverns underground.

    For a human to earn Acoosh’s favor and access his element specific magic: they must allow him to possess them in part.

    Acoosh’s abilities and restrictions: He only has magic which controls the elements of the lithosphere, which includes everything under the earth and from under the earth. As rocks can be divided, Acoosh’s spirit can be divided and given to multiple people at one time.

    Acoosh’s goal: He is considered the god which haunts the entrance to the Cave of Death, drawing curious souls in. He is generally viewed as evil. Although he does not require murder to allow him to possess you, those who have been possessed by him have woken from their sourcer state with corpses around them and no memory of how the people were killed.

    Followers are called ‘shens’.


Magic vs Dunamis


History of Evynlore