Dunamis vs. Magic

In Evynlore, as in our world, the eternal struggle between good and evil, right and wrong, is personified by two mystical forces: Dunamis and Magic. Much like the vast gray area that dominates our reality, most individuals reside within the ambiguity between these two supernatural powers. However, these forces possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. Even if there is ambiguity between them, there is a line drawn in the sand and when ignored, you gamble your eternal fate.

Dunamis is a manifestation of the Maker's gift to humans, a power to control a little bit of his creation ability. Dunamis finds its greatest strength when harnessed for noble causes. This supernatural force serves both the greater good and individual well-being. While not inherently designed for combat, it possesses formidable capabilities in self-defense and the protection of the vulnerable. However, it is impossible to use dunamis to take a human life, or cause harm to any creature with the breath of life.

Conversely, magic originates from the morrs, the malevolent entities of Evynlore who arrogate themselves as gods. Many use magic despite this, willingly ignoring its sinister source, asserting that if they use it for the mundane than it is neutral. This, however, is a grave deception. When one relies on magic, one becomes entangled in the morrs' influence, gradually surrendering their humanity and will. Should you choose this path, do so with open eyes. Magic is strongest when used for evil because it is inherently wicked.


Dunamis & the Five Words of Creation

There are five creation (Crea) words to learn, associated to five runes. These Crea words are the original names of the five spheres that make up the elements of the earth. Each Crea word when spoken is capable of creating an element, and when accompanied by a hand movement that element can be manipulated and used for almost any need. Dunamis has two tiers of power. Derived dunamis can be used by anyone, as where direct dunamis (the strongest dunamis) is only lent by the Maker to those who follow him faithfully. Direct dunamis is the Maker’s spirit actually indwelling the user to wield dunamis for good, if you ask him to dwell in you.

Learn Crea to control the elements

  • [HAI-ool-LYE] The Crea word hyülí controls all molecules belonging to the sky— the atmosphere. You can call upon the wind and all volatile elements. You can also create and control water in its evaporative from, as well as shape clouds or condense the water molecules together to cause them to rain. Just don’t go raining on someone else’s party, it won’t work very well since this is dunamis and isn’t strong when used for bad or selfish reasons.

  • [ri-ooth] The Crea word ryooth controls all things which form under the ground— the lithosphere. With this powerful word you can create minerals, sand, and stone. That’s only scratching the surface. No pun intended.

  • [ay-oh-wah] The Crea word áôwa controls all liquids, including water— the hydrosphere. Among all the useful ways you can use áôwa, the most practical is that you can create clean fresh drinking water with this word by cupping your hands to your mouth. Now it is good to mention when you “create” an element you’re technically speeding along the recycling process that the Maker set up in the world… so you can’t be sure where that water came form… It could’ve been runoff from a grimy roof somewhere in Evynlore but after percolating down into the earth you summoned it into your hands—but hey, it’s guaranteed to be clean since you used Crea to call it to you and create it a-new.

  • [tuh-LUR-air] The Crea word tèleurêre controls all things which need the sun to live— the biosphere. It can create anything of the biosphere, given you know the correct hand gesture to combine with the word to form a full sentence of Crea. Try crossing your fingers and saying tèleurêre to make vines. No, don’t make a shadow-puppet of a bunny and say the word. Neither dunamis nor magic can create life or living creatures, only the Maker can. But good try!

  • [suh-LAIR-ee-uhm] Celarium is very special. It controls the radial-sphere, which includes the physical and spiritual: All light, fire, electricity, color, visual perception, and the essence of the soul. When it comes to the spiritual aspects of the word, you can only use this word to call upon the light of your own soul, not another’s. This is the Crea word used to call out one’s Elysium Light. The visual starlight held inside one’s soul, which mysteriously is connected to one’s soul in unexplainable ways— similar to how love is connected to the soul and body and yet is an invisible force. Elysium Light is given to humans by the Maker, and is the light which can be projected from the body in a sphere-like-orb, looking like a nebula galaxy, and can be joined with another’s Elysium Light to make a star, but only when speaking a marriage vow to one another. (More on what becomes of the marriage star later and what purpose it serves). The star binds the man and woman in a life-long commitment to one another which should not be broken. A marriage vow is not something to take lightly, pun intended.

Magic & the Three Rituals to Possess It

There are three ways to gain a morr’s blessing (more like a curse) of magic. Magic may be stronger in daily tasks, and certainly for selfish and evil desires, but it has limits. When it heals, it leaves scars. And you cannot create elements with magic; you must have them already on hand, as well as having completed certain rituals to gain the morr’s attention and have charms and spells to enact their powers for your own. Still, many people choose magic because it can be used for personal gain.

There are three ways to acquire magic

  • The most common is to worship one morr for ten years, hoping to receive their blessing. This can be as simple as bringing offerings to their shrines or as grand as dedicating your life to serve in their high places.

  • The second is to sell your soul to a morr. On top of selling your soul, you dedicate your life to a cause (and most of the time you don’t know what that cause is until after you swear to promote it). You promise to do everything the morr tells you to do, and in return the morr will live inside you and you'll have incredible power. This is the quickest way to reach the highest power, but I wouldn’t call it possessing magic since really the morr with his magic is possessing you.

  • And the third option is the most evil route to acquire magic. It is to resort to murder and offer the blood of another human to one of the morrs and in return they will give you magic. You won’t be the strongest from the moment you wash the blood off your hands, but you will have magic instantly without having to worship for ten years. You can start practicing to become stronger in your new powers, but be aware those who choose this route to gain magic bare a mark on their skin, a scar which sorcerer’s show off proudly, but regretful and those who have repented must hide in shame for the rest of their lives.

Magic also has five words to control the five elemental spheres.

Atmosphere = aeryth

Lithosphere = ruszawk

Hydrosphere = aquime

Biosphere = vitaӓrn

Energy-sphere = lumeal


Gods & Religions